Gain Insights on All Aspects of Your Life!
Tarot Card Intuitive Storytelling:
The Tarot Cards are a tool. They are a divination tool to access the questions and answers to your questions and concerns. These intuitive readings are offered to you at the prorated rate of $1.25 per minute, and I have been reading tarot cards since 1986 when I was taught by an amazing alternative medical practitioner in the mid-1980’s In my personal life, I have found them a very valuable tool, daily as well as yearly do get amazing insights into what is going on with myself, others, and the world around me. The set of cards I use is the original set of cards that I have been using all these years – They are well-loved and well used!
The tarot is a way to access consciousness and the unconscious symbolically. I use the Hanson Robert deck because the pictures are amazing, colorful and so varied. Yes, most tarot decks do have some similarities in symbols and representations according to their position in the deck, but I do love the symbols on each individual card. When I am doing a reading, oftentimes, I will notice details that I have never noticed before, which, of course, is significant for the client as well as the information we are accessing.
Progressing History of the Tarot
Some sources suggest that tarot or divination cards were present in ancient Egypt although the most commonly agreed upon the origination of the tarot is in the Renaissance of Italy. Maybe because of the invention of the printing press and more easily accessible paper? Because they were sometimes considered “magical”, it is the gypsies who are also credited with spreading the use of tarot…whatever the origin, we probably will not know; what we do know, though, is that the practice is still growing. You can experience that anytime you enter a “new age” store or bookstore and see racks and racks of different tarot or divination decks. My recommendation, if you are interested, is to go explore these shelves to see and feel which decks “jump” right off the selves to you. I knew immediately which deck was the ‘right’ one for me.
Makeup of the Deck
The Tarot deck is really divided into two parts; the Major Arcana (greater secrets) and the Minor Arcana (lesser secrets). Some readers use only one part or the other, but I use the entire deck. The major arcana includes 22 cards – moving from the “0” the Fool, to the Universe, #21. This card usually represents more of the spiritual journey, although the pictures on each card are the real treasures.
The Minor Arcana includes four suites – just like our playing cards – swords, cups, wands, and disks. The swords usually symbolize doing and action. Cups are emotional and ethereal. Wands, lessons, and learning are dual sides of each other, right? Disks or Pentacles are symbolic of money or the more physical, 3rd-dimensional parts of us and our lives. Make sense?
Different readers and the instruction in different decks suggest and use varied layouts for each reading. Again, I feel, it depends on what works for you and how you plan to use the divination process yourself. Personally, I use a 9 card layout, which I sometimes expand to include the top three cards in each pile. We do find that the messages develop as we progress from exploring pile. If I am going just a short or abbreviated storytelling session, I may use just three cards. This is extremely potent also.
My favorite Tarot book which I do use is Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien. I so value her insights because she is a Cultural Anthropologist. Her cross-cultural perspective of each card is so valuable to me since my background is Sociology/Anthropology.
If and when you are interested in obtaining insights into the magic of your life and your own process including how that fits into the BIGGER picture, I recommend my cozy kitchen table session with the tarot. Explore the behaviors; positive, and explanatory; hints into your health and well beingness, relationships, the world, and your place in it. Access the wisdom that really comes from YOU!
And it’s FUN!!!! Be sure to bring your phone so you can record the session and take some pictures!
Of course, we do not diagnose or treat. I call this Tarot Card Storytelling because I prefer that you not dictate your life according to what story the cards are telling you today.